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What is personal growth and how to change your mindset

If you're looking for more on personal growth you may enjoy these articles: 




Embrace discomfort and fear

Cultivate a growth mindset

Understand and challenge your limiting beliefs even if it goes against assumptions you've had about yourself and the world. Some of the most uncomfortable times of my life were moments I had the most personal growth.  Push past the fear of the unknown and embrace being uncomfortable. Know there's something more, something greater if you just keep going. Every setback is an opportunity for growth. 

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Personal growth goes beyond acquiring new skills or knowledge; it’s about evolving every day as an individual and expanding your mindset. It's knowing what you’re good at and where you can improve.

Personal growth is about improving mentally, emotionally, and professionally while becoming more self-aware and conscious of who you are. It’s about identifying what you need in life to reach your full potential while also having a positive impact on those around you. 

My top six lessons of personal growth

Resliency Matters

If you don't already have it, you need to develop a resilient mindset. I'm talking about the tenacity and grit that keep you going when everything falls apart. Life's is going to throw you curveballs, when it does, take a breather if you need to, but then you dust yourself off and jump right back in the next day.  

It's about being committed to your vision and knowing that giving up is not an option. By sticking with it, pushing through, and reinventing yourself as you go, you learn to trust yourself. It's that belief in yourself that propels you forward. This mindset takes practice, but once you've got it, you're unstoppable.

For a long time I tried to create something "out there" without including myself in the equation. I thought the only way to do business was by being serious and rigid - it never felt like me. Instead, cultivate self-awareness and make sure your personal and professional journey align with who you truly are.

Understand your values, strengths, and passions, and make sure they are reflected in your goals and actions. By doing this, you're not just pursuing success; you're building a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.


Your path should include you


Building emotional intelligence 

If you're running a one person business it means you're wearing all the hats. Add that to the responsibilites of being a parent, a spouse and taking care of your own needs. It's a lot. That's why emotional intelligence is crucial. 

Understand and manage your emotions and leverage your intuition, while being able to read and respond to the emotions of others. When you have the ability to stay calm, make clear decisions, and communicate effectively it becomes invaluable. It's not just about keeping your cool; it's about using your emotions, awareness and gut as a way to guide your choices and interactions.

You have to believe in your ability to continuously self educate, learn and improve. Seek out knowlege and learn new skills regularly. Each book you read, course you take or person you interact with gives you a stepping stone toward a better version of yourself. It's up to you to extract those lessons from your experiences and use your mindset to unlock the opportunities around you.

Balancing ambition with self care


What is Personal Growth?

The concept of work-life balance is looks different for everyone. Maintaining your balance means finding ways to work consistently in a sustainable manner while also taking care of your health and well being.  Exercising, eating healthy, mindfulness, meditation, healthy relationships, time together, time alone, and getting time outside in nature are all essential to maintain your energy, focus, and creativity while pursuing your goals.

Never Without

Lipgloss + airpods + snacks

Favorite Travel Memory

Tying the knot in Scotland

Probably Listening To

My kids, Audible or YouTube

Cocktail Order

Gin & tonic (but most likely a cup of tea)

Personality Type


A few things I beleive

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

A few things I beleive

The universe won't task you with things you aren't equipped to handle.

Monetize your knowledge

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Get one powerful idea, one action step, and one inspiring quote every Thursday to build a business and life you love."