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I'm Celina - I help digital entrepreneurs build a business and life they love. 

What I know about you

I worked with national brands and small businesses for over a decade, but I knew I wanted more. I wanted to make my own schedule and create my own financial freedom. 

In 2014, I became a mom.

So, I gave up the security of the 9-5 and redesigned my life with more intention. 

I’ve built several profitable online businesses and made money online through:
  • writing online and blogging,
  • affiliate marketing,
  • creating and selling products on Amazon,
  • a subscription-based e-commerce company,
  • digital courses for real estate licensing and continuing education content.

Now I run a one-person business teaching others how to monetize their skills and turn their knowledge into revenue. 

I didn’t know how to do any of this when I started. It wasn’t a fancy degree that helped me figure it out. 

My superpower is being able to see a process for nearly everything. 

Building and optimizing your business doesn’t have to feel stuffy or intimidating. It can be exciting, transformative, and even fun when you find the right approach. 

The best part of all of this is I get to work from home and be there for my kids everyday. 

When I’m not working on my business, I’m with my kids, working out, playing tennis, or traveling. 

You obviously know you were made for more. That's why you're here. You're curious about the untapped potential inside you, just waiting to be discovered and developed.

You're not content with simply staying where you are. You crave growth, you crave challenges, you crave leveling up in all areas of your life.

Something deep inside you says this isn't all there is. You're meant to make an impact, to leave your mark, to contribute something meaningful to the world.

You know that roadblocks are part of the journey, but they don't define you. You're resilient, you're resourceful, and you're ready to face whatever comes your way.

You have a fire in your belly, knowing you're capable of amazing things. You're ready to take ownership of your dreams and create the life you were truly meant to live.

I write about three topics to help you run your own business and change your life





Building an online business through writing starts with crafting a plan and understanding your audience. I'll help you create a roadmap, show you where to go, and equip you with the knowledge and tools you need to get there.

Personal Growth

Through science, human behavior and performance optimization, I'll guide you in transforming and monetizing your expertise. I'll help you get out of your own way, unlock your full potential, and turn your skills into a profitable business. 

Monetizing knowledge

Turn your knowledge into revenue. Discover innovative ways to monetize your skills, building multiple streams of online income and leverage your unique expertise.

Join the Success Stack

Get one powerful idea, one action step, and one inspiring quote every Thursday to build a business and life you love."

Never Without

Lipgloss + airpods + snacks

Favorite Travel Memory

Tying the knot in Scotland

Probably Listening To

My kids, Audible or YouTube

Cocktail Order

Gin & tonic (but most likely a cup of tea)

Personality Type


A few things I beleive

The best way to predict the future is to create it.

A few things I beleive

The universe won't task you with things you aren't equipped to handle.

Monetize your knowledge

Join the Success Stack

Get one powerful idea, one action step, and one inspiring quote every Thursday to build a business and life you love."