how to do pinterest affiliate marketing and make money online

Affiliate Marketing

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing 2024 (Make Money on Pinterest)

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This page may contain affiliate links. Please read my disclosure for more information.

Pinterest is a powerful social media platform for affiliate marketing. With over 463 million monthly active users, Pinterest is a great place to reach people who are already interested in buying products or services. Pinterest is a visual search platform that is making shopping smarter. What shoppers used to do physically, they can now do virtually. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can make money online with Pinterest affiliate marketing!

Are Affiliate Links Allowed On Pinterest?

Are Affiliate Links Allowed On Pinterest?

Yes, affiliate links are allowed on Pinterest. Content creators can start Pinterest affiliate marketing, recommend products and services to their audience, and use affiliate links to make money from these recommendations.

You don’t need to spend a lot of money to get started with Pinterest affiliate marketing. In fact, you can get started with just a few dollars. It takes time to build a successful Pinterest affiliate marketing business. Don’t expect to make a lot of money overnight. Just focus on creating great content and providing value to your audience, and the results will come.

How To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

How To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

Pinterest Affiliate Marketing is where you, as the content creator use Pinterest as a platform to promote affiliate products.

Pinterest allows you to tag your pins with affiliate links, enabling you to add affiliate links and earn a commission when users click through and make purchases. Since Pinterest is not directly involved in affiliate agreements, the commission you earn will depend on the terms you have established with merchants or affiliate programs.

By tagging your pins with affiliate links, you can provide a seamless shopping experience for your audience. When users click on a pin or affiliate pins, they will be directed to the merchant’s website or product page, where they can make a purchase. If a purchase is made and it meets the criteria for earning a commission according to your affiliate agreement, you will receive a commission from the merchant or affiliate program.

Each merchant or affiliate program will have their own terms and commission structures. Familiarize yourself with the specific terms of each program you are affiliated with to understand how commissions are calculated and earned.

Do You Need a Blog To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

Do You Need a Blog To Do Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest?

No, you do not necessarily need a blog for affiliate marketing on Pinterest. While having a blog can be advantageous as it provides a platform for in-depth content and product reviews, starting with affiliate marketing on Pinterest is not required. You can start with a Pinterest account.

Pinterest is primarily a visual search engine and discovery platform. You can leverage its features to promote affiliate products directly. Here are a few ways to do affiliate marketing on a Pinterest account without a blog:

1. Pinning Product Images

Creating visually appealing pins featuring products you want to promote will improve affiliate sales. You can use high-quality images, compelling descriptions, and appropriate keywords to attract users’ attention and encourage them to click on your affiliate links.

2. Curated Boards

Create boards centered around specific niches or product categories. Pin related products from affiliate programs onto these boards to provide inspiration and value to your audience.

3. Product Roundups

Instead of writing blog posts, you can create pinboards with collections of products that cater to a specific theme or topic. For example, you can create a pinboard featuring “Must-Have Kitchen Gadgets” or “Travel Essentials.” Each pin can contain an affiliate link to the respective product.

3. Step-by-Step Guides

Create instructional or DIY-style pins that guide users through a process or project. You can include affiliate links to the necessary tools or materials within the pin description.

4. Promote Freebies or Opt-ins

Some affiliate programs offer free resources, courses, or downloads. You can create pins promoting these freebies, directing users to sign up or download the resource using your affiliate link.

In addition to making money with a Pinterest affiliate marketing strategy, you can also learn how to start a blog and monetize it to increase your income potential.

Can You Make Money Posting Affiliate Links on Pinterest?

can you make money posting affiliate links on pinterest?

You might wonder, “Can I really make money through Pinterest Affiliate Marketing?” The answer is “YES!” Pinterest has a massive user base, with millions of people actively searching for inspiration and ideas. Businesses of all sizes succeed on Pinterest.

Pinterest’s Policy on Affiliate Marketing

Pinterest policy on affiliate marketing

Pinterest’s guidelines and policies for pinning affiliate links are designed to ensure a positive user experience and maintain the platform’s integrity. Here are some things to keep in mind when pinning affiliate links on Pinterest:

  1. Disclose affiliate links, and that you may earn a commission from purchases made through your affiliate links. You can include a disclosure statement directly on your pins or within the pin descriptions.
  2. Focus on creating visually appealing, high-quality original content and pins. Avoid posting duplicate content repeatedly.
  3. Provide straightforward and accurate information about the products and services you promote. Avoid pop-ups, excessive ads, or redirects to unrelated pages.
  4. Only use automation partners that Pinterest has approved.
  5. Only operate one authentic account.
  6. Only link to safe websites.
  7. Do not use link shorteners. Pinterest follows a “no surprise principle” Pinners should know where they are going when they click your link.

In addition to Pinterest’s guidelines, you must comply with the terms and policies of the affiliate programs you participate in. Each affiliate program may have its own requirements, commission structures, and guidelines.

Tips For Successful Affiliate Marketing On Pinterest

tips for successful affiliate marketing on pinterest

If you want to make money with affiliate marketing on Pinterest, spending your time on the things that matter is important. Here are several tips to make you more successful on Pinterest:

1. Choose the Right Niche

Focus on a niche that aligns with your interests and has a target audience on Pinterest. By narrowing down your niche, you can better tailor your content and affiliate promotions to attract a relevant and engaged audience.

2. Optimize Your Profile

Create a Pinterest business account and optimize your profile by adding a clear and compelling bio, a professional profile picture, and relevant keywords. This helps users find and connect with your content more easily. It’s free to sign up, and you’ll get access to special content formats, custom analytics, and more.

3. Create Eye-Catching Pins

Design visually appealing pins that stand out in the Pinterest feed. Use high-quality images, compelling graphics, and clear text overlays to grab users’ attention. To diversify your content, experiment with different pin formats, such as product pins, lifestyle pins, or tutorials.

4. Write Engaging Pin Descriptions

Write Engaging Pin Descriptions

Craft keyword-rich descriptions for your pins, incorporating relevant search terms. Describe the value or benefits of the product or service you’re promoting to entice users to click on your affiliate link. Be concise, compelling, and authentic in your descriptions.

5. Use Rich Pins

Enable Rich Pins for your website or blog. Rich Pins automatically pull additional information from your site, such as product details, pricing, and availability, directly into the pin. This provides users with more context and enhances their shopping experience.

6. Incorporate Keywords

Conduct keyword research to identify popular and relevant search terms in your niche. Use these keywords strategically in your pin titles, descriptions, and board names to increase your content’s discoverability. To conduct keyword research for Pinterest, you can use the following methods:

  • Pinterest Search Bar – Start by typing relevant keywords related to your niche or topic in the Pinterest search bar.
  • Pinterest Guided Search – When you enter a keyword in the search bar on Pinterest, you’ll notice a row of colored boxes with additional keywords at the top of the search results page.
  • Pinterest Trends – Pinterest Trends is a tool that allows you to explore trending search topics on Pinterest.
  • Related Pins and Boards – Look at the related pins and boards that appear when you search for a specific keyword on Pinterest.
  • Google Keyword Planner – Although Pinterest has its own search ecosystem, you can still use Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords.

7. Analyze and Optimize

Regularly analyze your Pinterest analytics to understand which pins and strategies perform well. Identify trends, optimize underperforming pins, and refine your approach based on the data you gather. Continuously test and iterate to improve your results.

Here are several direct links to Pinterest guidelines and policies on affiliate marketing:

  1. Affiliate Link Guide to Pinterest
  2. Community Guidelines
  3. Paid Partnership Guidelines

Benefits of Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Benefits of Pinterest Affiliate Marketing
  • Pinterest has a large and engaged user base with high purchase intent, actively seeking inspiration, ideas, and products.
  • Pinterest is a visual search engine, making it ideal for showcasing products and gaining attention, which increases the chances of click-throughs and conversions.
  • Pinterest’s content is evergreen and has a longer lifespan.
  • Pinterest’s repinning allows your pins to be shared, potentially leading to virality. Increasing the exposure of your affiliate links.
  • Adding Pinterest to your affiliate marketing strategy provides an additional income-generating channel.
  • Pinterest offers detailed analytics that you can use to track the performance of your affiliate marketing campaigns.
  • There is a low barrier to entry. You don’t need to have a large following on Pinterest to be successful with affiliate marketing. Even if you have a small following, you can still generate traffic and sales by promoting relevant products and services.
  • There is less competition on Pinterest than on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram. This means that you have a better chance of getting your content seen and generating clicks.

Best Niches for Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

Best Niches for Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

When it comes to Pinterest affiliate marketing, certain niches tend to perform well due to the platform’s user demographics and content preferences. While success depends on various factors, including your target audience and niche expertise, here are some popular niches for Pinterest affiliate marketing:

1. Fashion and Style

From outfit inspiration to fashion accessories, Pinterest is a hub for fashion enthusiasts. Promote clothing brands, beauty products, fashion accessories, and style guides to tap into this visually-driven niche.

2. Home Decor and Interior Design

Pinterest is a go-to platform for home decor and interior design inspiration. Share affiliate links for furniture, home accessories, DIY projects, and organization tips to target users looking to spruce up their living spaces.

3. Health and Wellness

The health and wellness niche thrives on Pinterest, where users seek fitness tips, healthy recipes, self-care routines, and wellness products. Promote workout equipment, vitamins, supplements, recipe books, and wellness services.

4. Food and Recipes

Pinterest is a treasure trove of food and recipe ideas. Share affiliate links for kitchen gadgets, cookbooks, specialty ingredients, meal delivery services, and recipe subscriptions to cater to food enthusiasts and home cooks.

5. Travel and Adventure

Travel and adventure enthusiasts flock to Pinterest for destination inspiration, travel tips, and vacation planning. Promote travel gear, luggage, booking platforms, adventure experiences, and travel insurance to capture this wanderlust-driven audience.

6. Parenting and Kids

Pinterest is popular among parents seeking parenting advice, kids’ activities, and product recommendations. Promote parenting books, toys, baby gear, educational resources, and family-friendly travel options.

7. Wedding and Events

Pinterest is renowned for its wedding and event planning content. Share affiliate links for wedding dresses, wedding planning services, event decor, stationery, and bridal party gifts to cater to those planning their special day.

8. DIY Crafts and Projects

Pinterest is a hub for DIY enthusiasts looking for craft ideas, creative projects, and tutorials. Promote crafting supplies, DIY kits, craft tools, and project guides to target this creative audience.

9. Personal Finance and Money-Saving

Pinterest users actively seek money-saving tips, budgeting advice, and personal finance resources. Promote financial planning tools, investment platforms, money-saving apps, and budgeting books to cater to this audience.

10. Technology and Gadgets

Tech-savvy users turn to Pinterest for the latest tech trends, gadget reviews, and electronics recommendations. Promote tech gadgets, accessories, smart home devices, and electronics to tap into this niche.

These niches are popular on Pinterest, but success with affiliate content ultimately depends on your expertise, content quality, and audience engagement. Choose a niche you’re passionate about and can provide valuable content to maximize your chances of success in affiliate marketing on Pinterest.

Best Tools and Resources for Pinterest Affiliate Marketers

Pinterest provides its own built-in analytics tool that offers insights into your profile’s performance and audience engagement. It provides data on impressions, clicks, saves, and more. You can access Pinterest Analytics by switching to a Pinterest business account.

In addition to Pinterest’s native analytics, third-party tools can provide more advanced analytics and features specifically tailored for Pinterest. Here are some popular Pinterest analytics tools:

1. Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest Analytics

Pinterest provides built-in analytics tool that offers insights into your profile, audience engagement, top-performing pins, and more. It helps you understand your audience’s interests and behaviors, allowing you to optimize your content strategy accordingly.

2. Tailwind

Tailwind automation tool

Tailwind is a popular Pinterest scheduling and analytics tool. Pin scheduling and automation tools are software applications or platforms that help you plan, schedule, and automate posting your pins on Pinterest. These tools offer various features that streamline managing your Pinterest content and maximize your efficiency as a marketer. It provides advanced analytics to track your pin performance, discover trending content, and optimize your posting schedule for maximum reach and engagement.

3. Google Analytics

While not specific to Pinterest, Google Analytics can be used to track traffic and conversions from your Pinterest referral links. It provides comprehensive insights into user behavior, conversion rates, and other key metrics.

Affiliate Networks for Pinterest

1. Impact is one of the leading affiliate networks, connecting businesses with affiliates and influencers to drive sales and expand brand reach. With diverse programs and robust tracking, empowers affiliates on Pinterest to promote products and earn commissions. It fosters successful partnerships, drives revenue growth, and provides an efficient solution for pinterst affiliate marketers.

2. ShareASale

ShareASale is an affiliate network that offers various affiliate programs across different niches. It provides a wide selection of products and merchants, making it suitable for finding direct affiliate links to programs relevant to your Pinterest niche.

3. CJ Affiliate

CJ affiliate

CJ Affiliate, formerly known as Commission Junction, is a comprehensive affiliate marketing network with a large number of advertisers and products. It offers a user-friendly interface and provides access to various affiliate programs.

4. Awin


Awin is a global affiliate network that connects publishers with a wide range of advertisers across diverse industries. It provides access to numerous affiliate programs and offers advanced tracking and reporting features.

Best Affiliate Programs for Pinterest Affiliate Marketing

There are numerous affiliate programs that can be suitable for Pinterest affiliate marketing, and the best ones will depend on your niche, audience, and personal preferences.

When choosing an affiliate program for Pinterest, consider factors such as product relevance to your audience, your commission rates, program reputation, and available promotional resources. Reviewing the program’s terms and conditions is essential to ensure they align with your affiliate marketing goals and strategies.

To find the best affiliate programs for Pinterest affiliate marketing, do a Google search with the product you want to market and the words “affiliate marketing”. It will look something like this “(product name) + (affiliate marketing)”. It’s important to only recommend products you’ve used and trust.


Pinterest affiliate marketing presents a lucrative opportunity to monetize your online presence and generate income. Following the strategies outlined in this blog post, including choosing the right niche, optimizing your profile, creating eye-catching pins, and leveraging analytics, you can establish a successful affiliate marketing business on Pinterest.

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Celina Unkles is a digital entrepreneur, writer and success strategist. She's built several profitable online businesses and now runs a one person business writing and teaching others how to monetize their skills and turn their knowledge into revenue. 

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