how to be a successful affiliate manager

Self-Made Entrepreneurs

How to Be a Successful Affiliate Manager

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Affiliate marketing is one of the most critical components of digital marketing. It allows businesses to reach more customers and boost sales without spending a lot of money. The affiliate manager is an essential part of this system. Their position blends the complexities of marketing with the art of relationship management.

In this article, we’ll explore how to be a successful affiliate manager and interview Dustin Howes, a seasoned expert with over 13 years of experience in affiliate marketing, primarily on the affiliate management side. Over the years, he has managed affiliate marketing channels for well-known brands, including WP Engine, IP Vanish, Kartra, and Truthfinder, demonstrating the huge potential of well-managed affiliate programs. Not only do these programs drive traffic and sales, but they also allow brands to enter new markets and audiences.

What makes affiliate marketing especially appealing to Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs) is its return on investment. Businesses don’t have to spend a lot of money on broad-reaching campaigns. Instead, they can rely on affiliate partners, who often have specialized audiences and niche markets. This ensures that marketing efforts are both targeted and personalized.

The digital world is constantly changing; effective affiliate management is paramount. For businesses seeking to harness the full potential of their affiliate networks and marketing channels, understanding, training, and supporting their affiliate manager is the key to unlocking success.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Understanding Affiliate Marketing

The affiliate marketing channel has emerged as a powerhouse in the digital marketing landscape. The appeal of this channel comes from its performance-based nature. Businesses reward their affiliate partners based on actual results, like sales or leads. Yet, an affiliate program’s effectiveness and success depend a lot on one key person: the great affiliate manager.

An affiliate manager is the key person coordinating every element of an affiliate marketing program’s strategy. Their roles range from recruiting new affiliates, fostering existing relationships, and ensuring the program’s overall success. They serve as the bridge between the business and its partners, providing seamless communication and mutual growth.

The role of an affiliate manager has evolved. With the rise of many different affiliate networks and tools, the affiliate manager must leverage these platforms. Affiliate marketing managers ensure the entire affiliate program and marketing program runs smoothly, from tracking click-through rates to monitoring affiliates’ performance.

One of the hardest things for businesses to do is make an affiliate program that affiliate managers and partners will want to join. This is where the affiliate manager comes in. They curate the program’s structure, decide commission rates, promotional strategies, and incentives that attract top-tier affiliates and motivate them to give their best. It’s a delicate balance between ensuring profitability for the business and providing value to the affiliates.

As businesses navigate the promising yet intricate world of affiliate marketing, having a skilled and knowledgeable affiliate manager becomes indispensable. Their role in-house now isn’t just about managing relationships but also steering the entire affiliate program toward success.

Core Responsibilities of an Affiliate Manager

Core Responsibilities of an Affiliate Manager

Here’s a deep dive into the core responsibilities that define an affiliate manager role:

Recruitment of New Affiliates

At the center of any thriving affiliate marketing program is its affiliates. The affiliate marketing managers’ manager is responsible for expanding the program’s affiliate network by identifying and recruiting new affiliates. This involves understanding the brand’s niche and target audience, researching potential affiliates, and approaching them with mutually beneficial partnership proposals.

Build and Nurture Affiliate Relationships

It’s not an affiliate manager’s job to just bring affiliates on board; it’s about nurturing these partnerships. By building solid relationships, the affiliate manager ensures long-term collaboration. Regular communication, addressing concerns, and providing affiliates with the tools and resources they need, such as creative units or landing pages, are all important to this role.

Monitor and Track Performance Metrics

By using affiliate management software, the manager monitors important performance metrics. This includes tracking affiliate referrals, sales, click-through rates, and conversion rates. By constantly analyzing this data, they can identify top-performing affiliates and strategize on optimizing underperforming components.

Strategize for Program Growth

The affiliate manager should use insights from performance metrics to craft a plan to help the program grow. This could mean finding new ways to offer incentives, using new programs, developing new marketing strategies, or looking for untapped affiliate marketing channels.

Training and Onboarding

Especially for in-house affiliate managers, part of their responsibility involves training. They make sure new and existing affiliates are well-acquainted with the company’s products, marketing strategies, and program guidelines. Resources like dedicated affiliate manager login portals, educational materials, and regular updates ensure a cohesive and well-informed affiliate network.

Rules and Managing Disputes

The affiliate manager’s job is to ensure that all affiliates follow the affiliate merchant program’s rules. They also handle disputes, deal with issues related to affiliate link tracking, and make sure the affiliate merchant program operates honestly and fairly.

Financial Management

One of the most important jobs is to take care of the financial aspects, like deciding on commission structures (flat rate or performance-based), processing affiliate earnings, and managing the program budget.

Essential Skills and Tools for Success

Essential Skills and Tools for Success

A successful affiliate manager must have many skills and be able to use tools that support the demands of affiliate management tasks. They should have the following:

1. Excellent communication skills

Relationships are at the heart of any affiliate program that works. An affiliate manager must have excellent communication skills to build confidence, address concerns, and maintain strong relationships with affiliate managers and partners.

2. Affiliate Management Software Skills

They should have a deep understanding of affiliate management software tools that simplify and streamline the affiliate manager’s work and management tasks. This will give the affiliate manager access to valuable insights and the ability to make informed decisions.

3. Strategic Planning

Beyond daily tasks, an affiliate manager must think about the future. This involves strategic planning, understanding the broader digital marketing landscape, and aligning the affiliate marketing program’s goals with the company’s overall objectives for long-term growth.

4. Understanding Marketing Strategies

It’s essential to understand different marketing strategies. This includes knowing how to manage and optimize landing pages, harnessing the potential of organic traffic, or crafting compelling copywriting techniques to engage affiliates and customers.

5. Continuous Learning

The world of affiliate marketing is always changing. Whether attending conferences, enrolling in online courses like Performance Marketing Manager, or simply staying updated with industry trends, an affiliate manager must always be learning.

Building an Attractive Affiliate Program

Building an Attractive Affiliate Program

Creating an appealing affiliate program is critical in the competitive affiliate marketing world. It draws in top-performing affiliates and sets your business up for long-term success.

  • Understand Affiliates Needs – Before you can appeal to affiliates, it’s important to understand their needs. Do they prefer a flat rate, a percentage of sales, or a hybrid of both?
  • Offer Competitive Commissions – Affiliates are often motivated by how much money they can earn. A successful affiliate program should have a reward system that encourages existing affiliates and attracts new ones.
  • Provide Support and Training – Equip your affiliates with the tools and knowledge they need. Offering a dedicated affiliate management team with support, continuous training, and unlimited creative units ensures they can effectively promote your company’s products.
  • Easy Registration and Management – Make the affiliate registration process and affiliate management software easy to use. Affiliates should find it simple to sign up, access their affiliate links, track their performance metrics, and receive support.
  • Reporting and Analytics – Affiliates prefer platforms that easily track their performance, click-through rates, and earnings. Transparency creates trust and encourages affiliates to put in their best efforts.
  • Regularly Updated Creative Units – Regularly updating your creative units, from banners to promotional content, keeps the marketing material fresh and appealing. New and potential affiliates will see the effort invested in marketing assets.
  • Create a Community and build relationships – Regular check-ins, affiliate-exclusive webinars, and community forums can go a long way in making affiliates feel valued and connected. A strong relationship can lead to better performance and loyalty.
  • Monitoring for Fraudulent Prevention – Affiliate fraud can range from generating fake leads or sales to using malware to steal commissions. Affiliate management software and other monitoring tools can help keep fraudulent activities in check, ensuring the program remains reputable and attractive to affiliates.
  • Ask for Feedback – Encourage your affiliates to share their insights. They can provide valuable feedback on everything from commission structures to marketing tactics to the tools they find most useful.

Learning from the Best – An Interview with Dustin Howes

Introduce yourself – Tell us about your business and customers

Hi, I’m Dustin Howes. I’ve spent 13+ years in affiliate marketing, mainly on the affiliate management side, managing clients like WP Engine, IP Vanish, Kartra, Truthfinder, and more. I created an online course that coaches SMBs on how to launch and scale an affiliate program at Performance Marketing Manager.

What inspired you to start your own business? 

There were limited resources in the world of affiliate management outside of going to conferences to learn, which is costly. I created an affordable solution so SMBs that want to create an affiliate program can do it right in-house.

What are the most important lessons you’ve learned as an entrepreneur? 

Finding the right help and targeting the lowest-hanging fruit is super important as you scale your business.

What resources have been helpful in your personal and professional development?

Blog Growth Engine BGE has helped get my personal brand to new levels with a DA of 50+ through following the instructions. Amber Spears has been an incredible mentor.

My most recommended book is “How to make friends and influence people.”

What platform, software, or tools do you use to run your business?

How do you maintain a work-life balance as an entrepreneur?

Make the most of the time you have when the family is not around. Really hone in on tasks that will move the needle in sales. The harder you work today, the easier life will be in a few years, so work toward automating as much as you can.

What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs who are just starting their journey?

Get virtual assistants as quickly as you can afford them.

Where can people find you?



Navigating Challenges

navigating challenges

As the affiliate marketing channel continues to evolve, so do its challenges. Here’s how to understand and address some of the most common issues:

Affiliate Disputes Over Commissions and Payouts

One of the core responsibilities of an affiliate manager is to ensure that affiliate partners are compensated fairly. Disputes may arise over tracking issues, payout structures, or commission rates.

Solution: Employ an efficient affiliate management software that offers real-time tracking and transparent reporting. Regularly review and clarify commission structures, and always be available to address concerns from affiliates.

Fraudulent Activities

Fraud can range from click spamming and generating fake leads to more advanced forms of commission theft.

Solution: Implement stringent affiliate fraud prevention measures. This includes manual approval processes, using advanced tracking solutions, and holding payments during review periods. Additionally, educate affiliates on the importance of ethical marketing practices.

Managing Multiple Affiliate Tiers

As an affiliate program grows, so does its complexity. Managing multiple tiers of affiliates, each with its own requirements and expectations, can be challenging.

Solution: Use dedicated affiliate management team tools that allow segmentation and offer customizable solutions for different affiliate tiers. This ensures that dedicated affiliate management strategies can be tailored to individual affiliate needs.

Performance Metrics Discrepancies

Sometimes, affiliates might report a discrepancy between the metrics they track independently and those the affiliate program provides.

Solution: Regularly audit and calibrate tracking tools. Also, consider integrating third-party tracking solutions to provide a neutral perspective and reduce discrepancies.

Affiliate Training and Support

New affiliates, especially those new to affiliate marketing, may need guidance and support to perform effectively.

Solution: Create dedicated training materials and resources. Consider setting up regular webinars or workshops. Having an in-house affiliate manager dedicated to onboarding can make the process smoother.

Affiliate Recruitment and Retention

With the competitive nature of the digital marketing landscape, recruiting top-performing affiliates and retaining them can be challenging.

Solution: Develop a clear affiliate strategy highlighting the benefits of joining your program. Regularly review and optimize the program’s offerings, ensuring they remain competitive. Foster excellent communication and relationship-building to ensure affiliates feel valued.

Continuing Education and Growth

In the constantly evolving world of affiliate marketing, businesses and their affiliate managers who prioritize continuous learning and growth will stand out.

The role of an affiliate manager isn’t static; with shifts in digital marketing trends, emerging technologies, and changes in consumer behavior, there’s always something new to grasp.

Take an online course

Recognizing a gap in the market for structured learning in affiliate management, Dustin Howes designed an online course at Performance Marketing Manager. This course is tailor-made to guide SMBs on launching and scaling an affiliate program successfully in-house. It’s an affordable solution, especially compared to the costs of attending conferences, providing foundational knowledge and advanced strategies. His initiative underscores the importance of specialized education in becoming a top-tier affiliate manager.

Training and Coaching from Dustin Howes

Digital Training and Webinars: Platforms like offer insights, affiliate manager training, and webinars, all tailored to the evolving needs of affiliate managers. Tapping into such platforms can provide insights into essential for affiliate managers job, account manager roles and strategies for building a successful affiliate program.



An experienced and trained affiliate manager is crucial for a business’s success with its online affiliate program. A dedicated affiliate manager will understand affiliate management tasks, build relationships with affiliates, and take your online affiliate program to the next level. As demonstrated by trailblazers like Dustin Howes, the solution to equipping your company with the right tools, strategies, and commitment to excellence is through continuing education, ensuring your affiliate marketing channel stays healthy and cost-effective.

FAQ Section:


Q: What is an affiliate manager’s primary role?

A: An affiliate manager acts as the bridge between a company and its affiliates. Their primary responsibilities include recruiting new affiliates, nurturing existing relationships, ensuring timely payouts, and monitoring performance metrics to optimize the affiliate program’s success.

Q: How does affiliate marketing differ from traditional marketing?

A: Affiliate marketing is a performance-based marketing channel where businesses reward affiliates (partners) for driving traffic or sales through the affiliate’s marketing efforts, typically through affiliate links. It’s more cost-effective than traditional advertising, as payment is based on actual sales or leads.

Q: What are the benefits of having an in-house affiliate manager?

A: As Dustin Howes emphasizes in his training, an in-house affiliate manager ensures that the affiliate program aligns closely with the business’s goals. They can offer personalized support to affiliates, quickly resolve disputes, and have a hands-on approach to adapting the program based on real-time insights.

Q: What skills should a great affiliate manager possess?

A: A successful affiliate manager should have excellent communication skills, a firm grasp of affiliate management software, strategic planning abilities, and an understanding of the digital marketing landscape.

Q: How do I prevent fraudulent activities in my affiliate program?

A: Regular monitoring, using affiliate management software with robust fraud detection capabilities, and establishing clear terms and conditions can help prevent most fraudulent activities. Additionally, a dedicated affiliate management team can provide an added layer of protection.

Q: What is the importance of “relationship building” in affiliate management?

A: Building and maintaining strong relationships with affiliates ensures long-term program success. Affiliate managers can boost loyalty and performance by understanding and addressing affiliate needs, providing them with the right tools, and ensuring transparent communication.

Q: What are some recommended resources for someone new to affiliate management?

A: Dustin Howes’ online course at Performance Marketing Manager is a highly recommended starting point.

Q: How can I attract top-performing affiliates to my program?

A: Key factors include offering competitive commissions, providing affiliates with high-quality marketing materials (like banners, landing pages, and copywriting techniques), and ensuring timely and transparent payouts. A well-structured affiliate program backed by excellent management will naturally attract top performers.\

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Celina Unkles is a digital entrepreneur, writer and success strategist. She's built several profitable online businesses and now runs a one person business writing and teaching others how to monetize their skills and turn their knowledge into revenue. 

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