How to dropship on Amazon in 2023

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How to Dropship on Amazon

Hi, I'm Celina,
Digital entrepreneur, writer educator, small business owner, product creator, business strategist, Amazon seller, and mama. 
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In this guide, I’ll show you how to dropship on amazon. Dropshipping has become a popular business and way to make money online.

Not only is it flexible, but it has low startup costs. And with Amazon being one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world, it’s no surprise that many entrepreneurs are considering dropshipping on the site.

This blog post will guide you through setting up a successful dropshipping business on Amazon. I’ll cover how to find the right product to sell, set up your account, fulfill orders, and market your products.

Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned entrepreneur, this post will provide you with the information you need to get your dropshipping business up and running on Amazon. So, if you’re ready to take the leap into the world of e-commerce, let’s get started!

What is dropshipping?

what is dropshipping?

Dropshipping is a retail fulfillment method where a store doesn’t keep the products it sells in stock. Instead, when a store sells a product, it purchases the item from a third-party supplier. It then has the dropshipper send it directly to the customer. The store never actually handles the product.

This business model has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its low startup costs and flexibility. With dropshipping, entrepreneurs can launch an online store without having to invest in inventory upfront. This makes it an excellent option for those with limited funds.

Dropshipping also allows business owners to offer a wide range of products without having to manage physical inventory. The store is responsible for setting the price and marketing the product, while the supplier handles the fulfillment and shipping.

Pros of dropshipping on Amazon

pros and benefits of dropshipping on amazon

There are many benefits to starting a dropshipping business on Amazon. In this section, we will discuss some of the key advantages of dropshipping on Amazon:

1. Low startup costs

One of the biggest benefits of dropshipping on Amazon is the low startup costs. Unlike traditional retail businesses, there is no need to invest in inventory upfront, which makes it a great option for those with limited funds.

This means that entrepreneurs can launch their dropshipping business with just a computer, an Internet connection. And of course, a drive and determination to succeed.

2. Wide range of products

Amazon has a vast selection of products, from electronics to home goods and beyond. Without having to keep large amounts of inventory on hand, a business can offer a wide range of products.

3. Access to Amazon’s customer base

With over 310 million active customer accounts worldwide, Amazon has a massive customer base that businesses can tap into. By selling on Amazon, entrepreneurs have access to these customers, which can help them grow their businesses quickly.

4. Focused on customer experience

Since the supplier handles the fulfillment and shipping, businesses can focus on building their brand and creating a positive customer experience. This is especially important for startups and small businesses looking to establish themselves in a competitive market.

By offering a great customer experience, businesses can differentiate themselves from their competitors and build a loyal customer base.

5. Easy to manage

Dropshipping on Amazon is also easy to manage. The platform makes it easy to manage orders, track shipments, and communicate with customers.

Amazon handles all payments and customer service, which means businesses don’t have to worry about these tasks.

6. Global reach

By selling on Amazon, businesses can reach customers all over the world. This helps make it possible to tap into new markets and grow their business.

7. Scalable

Dropshipping on Amazon is also scalable. This means that as your business grows, you can expand your product offerings and reach new customers.

There are many benefits to starting a dropshipping business on Amazon. From low startup costs and a large customer base to the ability to focus on customer experience and easy management.

The cons to dropshipping on Amazon

the cons and negatives to dropshipping on amazon

There are several negatives to consider when it comes to dropshipping on Amazon:

1. Low Margins

One of the biggest challenges of dropshipping on Amazon is the low-profit margins. The competition is high, and the prices are often driven down, making it difficult to make significant profits.

2. Dependence on Suppliers

As a dropshipper, you are dependent on your suppliers for product availability and shipping times. If, for some reason, your supplier fails to deliver on time, it can negatively impact your business and reputation on Amazon.

3. Lack of Control over the Product

When dropshipping, you have limited control over the product and its quality. You are relying on the supplier to deliver a quality product.

4. Shipping Delays

Shipping can be a major issue with dropshipping, as you are relying on your suppliers to handle shipping and delivery. Delays or problems with shipping can result in unhappy customers and negative reviews.

5. Limited Customization

When dropshipping, you may not be able to customize the product or packaging to meet your specific needs. This can limit your ability to differentiate yourself from other sellers and stand out in the market.

6. Compliance with Amazon Policies

Dropshipping on Amazon requires compliance with the company’s policies and procedures. Amazon has strict rules for product listing and fulfillment, and failure to comply can result in your account being suspended or terminated.

While dropshipping on Amazon can be a lucrative business opportunity, it also has its challenges. By being aware of these negatives, you can make informed decisions and take steps to mitigate risks and ensure your success.

How to find a product to dropship on Amazon

How to find a product to dropship on Amazon

Once you have decided to start a dropshipping business on Amazon, the next step is to find the right product to sell.

This process can be broken down into four key steps: researching market trends, using powerful product research tools, sourcing products from suppliers, and evaluating product feasibility.

How to research market trends

The first step in finding a product to sell is to research market trends. This involves studying consumer behavior, identifying popular products and trends, and analyzing market data to determine what products are in high demand.

There are a number of tools and resources available to help with this research, including Amazon’s Best Seller lists, Google Trends, and market research websites such as JungleScout.


Use JungleScout, a powerful tool that can help you find a product to sell on amazon.

Jungle Scout is a powerful tool that can help you find a product to sell on Amazon. Here are the steps to use Jungle Scout for product research:

1. Sign up for Jungle Scout

Create an account with Jungle Scout and sign in to the platform.

2. Choose your target market

Start by deciding which market you want to sell in, and choose the appropriate product category.

3. Use the Product Database

Jungle Scout’s Product Database lets you search for products based on specific keywords, categories, and criteria. Sort the results by relevance, sales volume, and more to find the best-selling products in your target market.

4. Analyze the competition

Jungle Scout provides detailed information on your competitors, such as their average sales, price, and estimated monthly revenue. Use this information to evaluate the competition and identify potential opportunities.

5. Check product demand

Use Jungle Scout’s keyword research feature to see the search volume and demand for specific keywords related to your product. This can help you determine the potential market size and make informed decisions on product selection.

6. Evaluate product profitability

Use Jungle Scout’s Profit Calculator to determine the estimated profit for a specific product based on the cost of goods, shipping, and other expenses. This will give you an idea of the potential profitability of a product before you start selling it.

By following these steps, you can use Jungle Scout to find a profitable product to sell on Amazon. This tool can save you time and effort in your product research process and help you make informed decisions on product selection.

How to Source Products from Suppliers

Once you have identified a product that is in high demand, the next step is to find a supplier. This can be done through online marketplaces such as Alibaba and AliExpress, or by reaching out to manufacturers directly. Many other dropshipping companies can help you sell products on Amazon. Some of the best dropshipping companies include:


Alibaba is one of the largest e-commerce platforms in the world and is often considered a good option for dropshipping. The platform connects buyers and suppliers from all over the world, making it easy for businesses to find products to sell. Alibaba offers a vast selection of products, from consumer goods to industrial equipment, and its suppliers are vetted for quality control.


Aliexpress is a subsidiary of Alibaba Group and is a popular platform for dropshipping. It is a marketplace that connects small businesses and individuals with suppliers from all over the world.


A popular dropshipping platform that integrates with Shopify and allows you to easily import products from AliExpress.


A directory of over 8,000 wholesale suppliers, including dropshipping companies, that you can use to find products to sell on Amazon.


A dropshipping platform that provides access to over 1.5 million products from over 100 wholesale suppliers.


A dropshipping company that offers a wide range of products from multiple suppliers, allowing you to easily find and sell products on Amazon.

Sunrise Wholesale

A dropshipping company that offers a wide range of products from multiple suppliers, including electronics, home goods, and more.

Inventory Source

A platform that integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms, including Amazon, and provides access to over 200,000 products from over 100 wholesale suppliers.

While many of the above are well-established platforms, it’s still important to be cautious when working with suppliers. Carefully research suppliers before making a purchase, and only work with suppliers that have a good reputation.

Always order a sample of the product before placing a large order. It’s important to make sure the product meets your quality standards.

You want to choose a reputable supplier who can provide high-quality products at a competitive price. You may also want to consider partnering with multiple suppliers to ensure a consistent supply of products and to mitigate the risk of stock shortages.

These are just a few of the best dropshipping companies that can help you sell products on Amazon. When choosing a dropshipping company, it’s important to consider factors such as product selection, shipping times, and customer service to make sure you find a company that fits your needs.

How to evaluate product feasibility

Once you have sourced a product from a supplier, the next step is to evaluate its feasibility. This involves examining the product’s market demand, competition, profit margins, and potential for growth.

You may also want to consider factors such as the product’s weight and size, shipping costs, and the supplier’s return policy.

By carefully evaluating the feasibility of a product, you can make sure you are making a smart business decision and investing in a product that has the potential to be successful on Amazon.

Finding a product to sell on Amazon with dropshipping requires a combination of research, sourcing, and evaluation.

By conducting market research, partnering with reputable suppliers, and carefully evaluating product feasibility, you can find a product that has the potential to be successful and help you build a successful dropshipping business on Amazon.

How to set up your amazon account for dropshipping

How to set up your amazon account for dropshipping

Once you have found a product to sell, the next step is to set up your Amazon account. This involves creating an Amazon seller account, understanding Amazon’s fees and policies, and listing your dropshipping products on the platform.

Creating an Amazon Seller Account

To create a seller account on Amazon, you will need to sign up for the Amazon Marketplace. To sign up, you’ll need to provide your personal and business information, as well as payment and tax information. Once you have completed the sign-up process, you will be able to access Amazon’s seller dashboard, where you can manage your listings and monitor your sales.

If you need additional help creating an Amazon storefront, you can read How to Create an Amazon Storefront.

Understanding Amazon’s Fees and Policies

It’s important to understand Amazon’s fees and policies before setting up your Amazon seller account. Amazon charges a number of fees, including referral fees, fulfillment fees, and storage fees.

It’s important to understand these fees so that you can accurately calculate your costs and ensure that you are able to make a profit from your dropshipping business.

Additionally, it’s important to understand Amazon’s policies, such as its returns policy, in order to ensure that you are in compliance with Amazon’s rules and regulations.

Listing Your Dropshipping Products on Amazon

Once you have set up your seller account and are familiar with Amazon’s fees and policies, the next step is to list your dropshipping products on the platform.

This involves creating product listings, setting prices, and uploading product images. When creating your product listings, it’s important to use accurate and detailed product descriptions and to include high-quality images.

You’ll also need to set a price for your products, taking into account the cost of the product, shipping costs, and any fees that Amazon charges.

Write Compelling Product Descriptions

Use to write amazon product descriptions. is an AI writing assistant that can streamline the process of writing product descriptions for Amazon.

By using the “Product Description” template, you can input product information such as name, features, and benefits and customize the tone, style, and length to match your brand’s voice. will then generate a draft of the product description, which you can preview, edit, and refine to ensure it accurately represents the product and follows Amazon’s guidelines.

With, you’ll save time and effort in creating high-quality, compelling product descriptions for your Amazon listings. You can read my full review on here.

How to Fulfill and Ship for Dropshipping Orders on Amazon

fulfillment and shipping an amazon for dropshipping

Once your Amazon account is set up and your products are listed, the next step is to handle fulfillment and shipping. This involves understanding how dropshipping works on Amazon, communicating with suppliers and managing inventory and order processing.

How Dropshipping Works on Amazon

In a dropshipping business model, the seller does not physically handle the product. Instead, the seller acts as an intermediary between the customer and the supplier.

When a customer places an order on Amazon, the seller forwards the order to the supplier, who then ships the product directly to the customer. This allows the seller to offer a wide range of products without having to invest in inventory or manage a warehouse.

How to communicate with Suppliers on Amazon

Communication with suppliers is critical to the success of a dropshipping business. It’s important to establish good communication with your suppliers and to ensure that they understand your expectations and requirements. This may involve discussing shipping times, returns policy, and any other important information.

By maintaining open and clear communication with your suppliers, you can ensure that your orders are fulfilled efficiently and that your customers are satisfied with their purchases.

How to Manage Inventory and Order Processing on Amazon

Managing inventory and order processing is an important part of running a successful dropshipping business on Amazon. This involves tracking your sales, monitoring your inventory levels, and managing your orders in a timely and efficient manner.

You will also need to update your product listings regularly to ensure that they are accurate and up-to-date. By effectively managing your inventory and order processing, you can ensure that your customers receive their orders quickly and that you are able to meet their expectations.

Fulfillment and shipping are critical components of a successful dropshipping business on Amazon. By understanding how dropshipping works on Amazon, communicating effectively with suppliers, and managing your inventory and order processing, you can ensure that your customers receive their orders quickly and that your business runs smoothly.

How to market your products

Once your Amazon account is set up and your products are listed, the next step is to start marketing your products. This involves optimizing your product listing, utilizing Amazon’s advertising tools, and building your brand awareness.

How to Optimize Your Amazon Product Listing

Optimizing your product listing is a critical part of marketing your products on Amazon. This involves using keywords and product descriptions that accurately reflect your product and help it to rank higher in search results.

Additionally, it’s important to include high-quality images that clearly show the product and its features. By optimizing your product listing, you can improve your visibility on Amazon and increase the likelihood that customers will find and purchase your products.

How to do Keyword Research for Amazon


It’s important to do keyword research for your Amazon listings. JungleScout is a comprehensive Amazon Sales and keyword research tool that can help you with keyword research for Amazon dropshipping.

The tool provides in-depth keyword data such as search volume, competition, and estimated sales, making it easier for you to identify profitable keywords for your dropshipping products.

With Jungle Scout, you can also get detailed insights into your competitors’ products, their keywords, and their sales strategies, giving you a competitive edge. The tool’s keyword research feature allows you to quickly and easily identify keywords that are relevant to your product and have a high potential to drive sales.

In addition, Jungle Scout offers a product database that lets you discover new product ideas and find potential suppliers based on your keywords. By using Jungle Scout, you can streamline your keyword research process, find high-converting keywords, and optimize your Amazon listings to drive more traffic and sales.

Jungle Scout does not offer a free trial, however, they do offer a 7-day money-back guarantee on their standard plans.


Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool that offers a wide range of features for keyword research, backlink analysis, and competitor research. When it comes to keyword research on Amazon, Ahrefs provides valuable insights into the search volume, difficulty, and competition for each keyword.

With this information, you can identify keywords that are relevant to your product and have the potential to drive traffic and sales to your Amazon store. Ahrefs also offers a Keyword Explorer tool that allows you to easily research related keywords, analyze the competition, and create a list of keywords to target.

Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Ahrefs is an essential tool for maximizing the visibility and success of your Amazon store.

Utilizing Amazon’s Advertising Tools

Amazon offers a range of advertising tools that you can use to promote your products. These tools include sponsored products, sponsored brands, and sponsored displays.

By utilizing these tools, you can reach a wider audience and drive more sales. It’s important to understand each of these advertising tools and how to use them effectively in order to maximize your return on investment.

How to Build Your Brand Awareness on Amazon

Building your brand awareness is an important part of marketing your products on Amazon. This involves creating a unique brand identity and establishing a strong presence on the platform.

This may involve creating a logo which you can do in Canva, building a website, and engaging with customers through social media and other channels. By building your brand awareness, you can differentiate your products from those of your competitors and create a loyal customer base.

Marketing your products on Amazon involves optimizing your product listing, utilizing Amazon’s advertising tools, and building your brand awareness. By following these steps, you can reach a wider audience, drive more sales, and establish a successful dropshipping business on Amazon.

8. Managing your Amazon dropshipping business

Managing your dropshipping Amazon business

Once your Amazon account is set up and your products are listed, it’s important to manage your business effectively to ensure its success. This involves monitoring sales and profit, resolving customer issues, and keeping up with Amazon policies and updates.

How to Monitor your Sales and Profit

Monitoring your sales and profit is an important part of managing your dropshipping business on Amazon. This involves tracking your revenue, expenses, and profit margins. By monitoring these metrics, you can identify trends and make informed decisions about how to grow your business.

Additionally, it’s important to regularly review your product prices and adjust them as needed to remain competitive and maximize your profit margins.

How to resolve Customer Issues

Resolving customer issues is an important part of managing your dropshipping business on Amazon. This involves handling customer complaints, responding to customer inquiries, and addressing any other customer concerns.

It’s important to respond to customer issues quickly and effectively in order to maintain a positive reputation and build customer loyalty. Additionally, by resolving customer issues, you can ensure that your customers are satisfied with their purchases, leave positive reviews, and that they are likely to return for future purchases.

How to Keep Up with Amazon Policies and Updates

Keeping up with Amazon policies and updates is an important part of managing your dropshipping business on Amazon. Amazon regularly updates its policies and procedures, and it’s important to stay informed to ensure that you comply with these updates. By keeping up with Amazon policies and updates, you can avoid potential problems and ensure that your business continues to operate smoothly.

Managing your dropshipping business on Amazon involves monitoring sales and profit, resolving customer issues, and keeping up with Amazon policies and updates. By following these steps, you can grow your business, maintain a positive reputation, and ensure that your customers are satisfied with their purchases.

9. Wrapping up

conclusion of how to dropship on amazon

Dropshipping on Amazon can be a great way to start your own business and earn a passive income. However, it’s important to do your research, understand Amazon’s policies and procedures, and manage your business effectively to be successful.

Additionally, it’s important to continually monitor your sales and profit, resolve customer issues, and keep up with Amazon policies and updates in order to grow your business and maintain a positive reputation.

I hope this blog post has provided you with valuable information and that you are now better equipped to start your own dropshipping business on Amazon.

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Celina Unkles is a digital entrepreneur, writer and success strategist. She's built several profitable online businesses and now runs a one person business writing and teaching others how to monetize their skills and turn their knowledge into revenue. 

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