how to make money with audible 7 easy ways

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How to Make Money on Audible: 7 Easy Ways

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how to make money with audible

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We all love listening to audiobooks, especially on Audible. As a busy mom of two boys, there’s nothing I love more than listening to an audiobook in one ear while still ‘getting things done’.

But there’s more to Audible than just hitting play on a good book or story. Whether you’ve got a knack for writing, a baritone voice that could charm anyone or behind-the-scenes production skills, you can earn money with Audible.

I will walk you through everything, from turning your novel into an audiobook to earning cash by promoting Audible products. It’s easier than you think, and I’m excited to show you how to get started. Ready to learn how to make money on Audible?

What Is Audible?

what is audible?

Audible is an Amazon-owned subscription-based service that provides a wide range of audiobooks, podcasts, and spoken-word entertainment. With thousands of titles in various genres, you can listen to a free audiobook or podcast, buy audiobooks individually, or sign up for a monthly subscription with download credits.

Through the Audible app, you can listen and enjoy content on the go. I like to put one earbud in my ear when I’m driving and squeeze in a few minutes of whatever it is I’m listening to at that time.

Audible is a versatile and practical solution for people who want to enjoy books and other audio content in a flexible way. When you’re a parent of small children, sitting down to read a book is not always easy or possible.

Audible offers features such as customizable narration speed, bookmarks, sleep timers, and unique Audible Originals, that enhance the listening experience. I like to listen to my audiobooks on 1.7X, which is fast, but I feel like I can squeeze more in that way.

audible susbcriptions

Audible offers two types of membership plans: Audible Plus and Audible Premium Plus.

  • Audible Plus costs $7.95/month and gives unlimited access to thousands of audiobooks and podcasts in the Audible Plus Catalog. You can listen as much as you like! This plan is a good option if you’re looking for a large selection of audiobooks but don’t want to commit to buying individual titles.

  •  Audible Premium Plus costs $14.95/month and gives you everything that Audible Plus does, plus one credit per month to redeem for any audiobook on Audible. You can also upgrade to 2 credits per month for $22.95/month or 12 credits per year for $149.50/year. This plan is a good option if you want the flexibility to purchase individual titles and access the Audible Plus Catalog.
  • You can get 30 days free and two free audiobooks by visiting Audible’s free trial landing page.
audible free trial

Audible Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX)

Through the Audiobook Creation Exchange (ACX), Audible provides a marketplace for audiobook distributors to find collaboration opportunities, make audiobooks, and distribute them on the platform. If you use this Audible self-publishing platform as a content creator, you have several ways to make money on Audible.

Audible ACX creator program

Creators are critical to Audible’s business strategy since they contribute to its extensive library of audio files and content.

The audiobooks and spoken-word entertainment that makeup Audible’s catalog are provided by writers, publishers, narrators, voice artists, and other content developers who’ve created their own audiobooks. Some have written books and are looking to create audio versions to make money on Audible, while others are interested in narration or affiliate marketing.

The relationship with creators allows Audible to keep its material fresh, drawing a diverse community of listeners. This, in turn, generates subscriptions and individual sales, which are the foundation of Audible’s income.

Here are seven ways you can make money on Audible:

make money as an author on audible

Make Money as an Author

 If you’ve written your own book or are considering writing your own book, are interested in selling audiobooks, and starting an audiobook career, the Audible platform makes it simple to make the audiobook version by converting it into spoken-word entertainment.

The Audible platform allows authors to create audiobooks and reach a large audience in a powerful way. With the growing popularity of audiobooks, publishing your work on Audible can provide you with a new passive income stream while expanding your readership. 

It’s an opportunity that expands beyond traditional print and eBooks, creating your own audiobook.

Authors and content creators can monetize audio versions of their work by writing, publishing, and advertising audiobooks on Audible to earn royalties based on sales. If you’ve ever wanted to create audiobooks, here’s an overview of the process:

1. Write Your Audiobook

Get the creative juices flowing and start writing the content for your audiobook. To attract listeners, your content must be compelling and well-written, whether fiction, non-fiction, educational, or any other genre.

2. Convert to Audiobook Format

Once your content is complete, you must convert it to audiobook format. You can hire a professional narrator or narrate it yourself, followed by editing and mastering the audio quality to meet Audible’s quality standards. If you have the budget, professional narration for audible books is the way to go.

3. Publish on ACX (Audiobook Creation Exchange)

ACX is Audible’s platform, a self-publishing platform that facilitates the creation, distribution, and sale of audiobooks. You can either find a producer to help with the audio or produce it yourself. Sign up for ACX, put your book up for auditions, and choose a narrator. When finished, you can publish the audio file to Audible using ACX.

4. Set Pricing and Royalty Options

You’ll have choices in how your audiobook is priced and what royalty model you want to use. Options may include an exclusive agreement with Audible for higher royalties or a non-exclusive agreement permitting you to sell elsewhere with other audiobook distributors.

5. Promote Your Audiobook

Effective promotion is key to driving sales. You might utilize social media, a personal website, email marketing, or collaborations with other authors. If you’re a participant in the Audible Bounty Program, you could also promote your audiobook and earn bounties through your unique referral link. More on that later.

6. Earn Royalties

When you sell audible products, you’ll earn royalties based on the sales of your audiobook. Regular sales data collection and analysis can help you fine-tune your marketing plan and potentially enhance earnings.

7. Provide Engagement

Respond to reviews, interact with listeners on social media, and consider using comments to enhance or develop new content.

8. Consider Additional Opportunities

Take advantage of promotional opportunities, bundle audiobooks, provide discounts, or collaborate with other writers or creators to extend your reach and sales potential.

Authors and content creators can use Audible to share their work and earn money by following these steps. It’s a time-consuming process that needs expertise in writing, production, marketing, and customer support, but it can be a rewarding method to reach a large audience and profit from your own audiobook. Who knows, you may come up with the next audible original!

Make Money as an Audiobook Narrator

make money as a narrator on audible.

You can start narrating books and earn money on Audible by submitting your voice to ACX, Audible’s marketplace for connecting authors, publishers, and narrators. With Audible, you can become a voice actor and use your voice to bring books and stories to life while making money.

On ACX, thousands of authors are looking for independent or studio professional narrators who want to narrate audiobooks.

To be a successful audiobook narrator, you must first create an excellent profile that includes your background, experience, and vocal samples, then set competitive rates, be responsive, build relationships, and promote yourself.

You can also get training, practice, read audiobooks, and get feedback to improve your narrating skills and improve your chances of getting hired.

The following are the steps to becoming an Audible narrator:

Step 1: Create a profile and start auditioning. 

Step 2: Collaborate with the author to agree on terms (timetable and pay structure). Start recording. 

Step 3: Complete your recordings with good audio quality and submit them for review to Audible’s Quality Assurance (QA) engineers. It will be released on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes once it is officially approved.

Step 4: Get paid. You’ll be paid at the completion of the project or when they split royalties, depending on what you negotiated and agreed upon.

Finding Opportunities on ACX as an Audiobook Narrator

When looking to become an audiobook narrator, it’s important to look for projects that fit your voice and interests well. Read the project descriptions carefully to ensure that you understand the requirements, and be prepared to submit strong auditions that demonstrate your skills. If you are not chosen right away, it is critical to be patient and persistent, as the ideal opportunity may come along with time.

You can expect to be asked to read samples, normally a few pages long, and to record your audition, showcasing your ability to bring the text to life.

Tips for Effective Narration

Novice and experienced narrators should invest in equipment, such as a good microphone, recording software, and possibly a soundproof booth, which is important for efficient audiobook narration.

Clear enunciation, a well-paced reading, and preparing before recording are all techniques for improving narration. Listening to other narrators, reading aloud, and getting feedback from others are all regular routines that can help develop narration skills.

Familiarizing yourself with the text, paying close attention to the author’s style, varying voices and pace to suit different characters and story elements, taking breaks to rest your own voice, and editing your narration to ensure a polished final product are all helpful tips for a successful narration.

Setting Your Price as a Narrator

When establishing the price for audiobook narration, several factors must be considered, including your expertise as a narrator, the genre of the book, its length, and competition from other narrators in the market. These elements all have an impact on how you price your services.

In terms of payment, narrators can choose between a flat rate fee for the entire project and royalties based on sales, which can vary.

A narrator may also choose to be paid Per Finished Hour (PFH). Being paid Per Finished Hour is common for narrators and voice actors in the audiobook industry. It just means they are paid for each hour of the finished recording.

The decision between these options will depend on individual preferences and expectations regarding the audiobook’s sales potential.

You can also earn money narrating on Audible with audiobook translation by translating and narrating audiobooks for authors and publishers looking to reach non-English-speaking audiences.

ACX offers video lessons and resources to help you get started. It’s important to follow Audible’s guidelines for items such as studio setup, recording software, narration, and editing to provide a high-quality audiobook.

Make money with Affiliate Marketing

join the audible creator program

Earn commissions as an affiliate marketer promoting Audible subscriptions and audiobooks. You can make money from Audible by promoting Audible subscriptions and audiobooks via Amazon’s affiliate program. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Sign up for Amazon Associates

You can join Amazon Associates for free. After you sign up, you will be given a unique affiliate link to promote Audible products.

2. Create Audible-related content

Create content such as blog articles, videos, and social network posts. Your content should be informative and engaging, highlighting the advantages of Audible subscriptions and audiobooks. Include your affiliate link in your content. Make sure your affiliate link is clear and easy to find when you include it in your post. A text link or a banner ad can also be used.

3. Promote your content

Once you have created your content, you need to promote it to potential customers. You can promote your content using your website with a custom URL, social media, or email marketing.

4. Keep track of your earnings

Amazon Associates will track your earnings and commissions. Your earnings are shown in the Amazon Associates dashboard.

If you follow these steps, you can make money on Audible by promoting Audible subscriptions and audiobooks through Amazon’s affiliate program.

Here are some additional suggestions for promoting Audible through Amazon’s affiliate program:

Target your audience

When you create content, ensure it is targeted to an audience interested in Audible subscriptions and audiobooks. Create material for a certain area, such as business, self-help, or fiction books, to target your audience.

Use keywords

When you create content, make sure to use relevant keywords that people are likely to search for when they are looking for information about Audible. A keyword research tool like Ahref’s can assist you in identifying suitable keywords.

Be consistent

You have to be consistent with affiliate marketing to be effective. You should regularly create new content and promote it through a variety of platforms.

Be patient

Building a successful affiliate marketing business takes time. Don’t expect to start making a lot of money right away. Just keep creating great content and promoting it consistently, and you will eventually start to see results.

Audible’s Bounty Program

join the audible bounty program and earn money

Audiobook producers who have published through ACX can earn a bounty of $75 each time a new listener becomes a member by purchasing their audiobook through their unique referral link.

The bounty is paid after the listener has been an Audible member for 61 consecutive days.

Tips for success include promoting the referral link to targeted audiences, using creative promotional materials, and tracking results through the Bounty Dashboard.

Audible Creators Program (Audible Affiliate Program)

join audibles affiliate program

Join the Audible Affiliate Program and earn a $15 commission as an Audible affiliate when someone signs up for Audible’s free trial with your unique referral link!

With Audible’s free trial, listeners will get 30 days free and two audiobooks. After the free trial, members will get one audiobook a month for $14.95/mo and receive 30% off the price of additional audiobook purchases. Members can cancel anytime and keep the books they’ve purchased.

Audible Podcast Development Program

Join audibles podcast development program.

Audible is currently offering a program called the Audible Podcast Development Program for podcasters who want to create an original audible book. If your podcast is selected for the program, you’ll receive a grant of up to $10,000 to help you produce your audiobook. You’ll also receive marketing and promotional support from Audible.

Provide Audiobook Reviews and Blog Posts

Create content around audiobooks, review them, and monetize your platform with affiliate marketing, sponsorships, or advertisements. Offering audiobook reviews and posts on Audible can be a rewarding way to connect with the audiobook community while also making money online. Here’s how you can do it:

1. Build a Platform

start a blog to promote audible audiobooks.

Start a blog with a custom URL, YouTube channel, or podcast where you review audiobooks. I recommend using to start your website and blog. If you prefer an all-in-one sales and marketing platform, use Go High Level.

Provide unique material that goes beyond simple reviews, such as author interviews, genre analyses, or reading recommendations.

2. Develop Your Niche

Concentrate on a specific niche or genre that you’re passionate about. Create content in a consistent and engaging style that connects with your target audience.

Marketing and Promoting Your Audiobook

In today’s saturated marketplace, marketing and promoting audiobooks takes strategic planning and execution to connect with the right audience and increase sales. Here’s a quick guide on promoting your audiobooks:

1. Design a Strong Cover

Create an eye-catching and appealing cover, keeping in mind industry standards. You can design it yourself or hire someone on Fiverr to do it for you.

2. Write a Compelling Blurb

Make sure the blurb is clear, concise, and catches the reader’s attention.

Use the audible ACX promo codes to grow your audiobook reviews.

3. Use ACX promo codes

ACX allows you to share and promote your audiobook at no cost to you. To start, you’ll get ten codes. Once they have been redeemed and your catalog of titles has reached 100 qualified sales, you can request an additional 25 codes.

4. Utilize Social Media Marketing

Establish profiles on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share information, run targeted ads, use hashtags, communicate with people, run contests, collaborate with influencers, use high-quality graphic content, be consistent, and track results. Your social media channels will help create a buzz around your own audio content.

5. Collaborate with Influencers

Identify appropriate influencers within the genre of your audiobook, reach out personally, offer value, think imaginatively, be patient, and express gratitude for effective collaboration.

6. Use Ad platforms

Use platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Twitter and LinkedIn Ads, and Amazon Ads to run paid advertising campaigns. Understand your target audience, set clear goals, track progress, and be patient.

7. Attend Audiobook Conventions

Participate in conventions to promote and sell your audiobook or speak on panels and workshops.

8. Seek Reviews

To increase visibility, encourage reviews from friends, family, and readers on Audible and Amazon.

9. Be Patient and Consistent

Building a successful audiobook business takes time, so keep promoting and refining your strategy.

By combining these elements and maintaining a consistent, patient approach, you can effectively market your audiobook to a large audience, driving audiobook sales and building a loyal listener base.


Making money on Audible using the seven simple methods discussed in this post can turn your passion for audiobooks into a profitable business

If you’re already an established author and want to sell audio versions of your book, you should tap into the growing audiobook market. You can create high-quality material, strategic marketing, dedication, and understanding of the audible platform.

The route to success may involve patience and tenacity, but with the right approach, you may turn your audiobooks into a lucrative source of passive income.

FAQ: How to Make Money on Audible

1. Can you actually make money on Audible?

Absolutely! Audible provides multiple avenues to generate income.

2. Can I read for Audible and get paid?

Yes, you may earn money by reading for Audible. Amazon’s Audible division sells audiobooks, podcasts, and other spoken-word entertainment. They employ audiobook narrators to create their content, and you can earn money by reading books aloud for them.

To become an audiobook narrator, you must first create an account on ACX, Audible’s self-publishing platform.

3. How much money does Audible pay?

The amount of money you make will vary based on the opportunity, author, work type, and experience.

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Celina Unkles is a digital entrepreneur, writer and success strategist. She's built several profitable online businesses and now runs a one person business writing and teaching others how to monetize their skills and turn their knowledge into revenue. 

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